Human Design transmission by zc design

Human Design Transmission
Volume 15, number 4
July 31, 200

Human Design transmission

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- Yin, Yang and the Tao
- Eclipses, the Nodes, and Political Polarities
- Al Gore: the must-see speech of the year
- To Naturally Be Without Interference
- The Centers Now Available To Download
- Join HDP
- Basic Reading Now Available As mp3


Yin, Yang and the TaoThe four letters and the Tao

The I Ching is one of the cornerstones for the Human Design synthesis. This symbol, called Tai Chi, contains the fundamental concepts of Tao, the I Ching, the nature of change, and oppositions of yin and yang. The four combinations that result in combining yin and yang designate four quarters, represented by line pairs. These line pairs are sometimes called letters or forces and have a direct mathematical correspondence with the genetic code.

The yang half is the white field with a black dot; the yin half is the black field with a white dot. These are the four energies or the four quarters of line pairs. To each line pair, both a yang line and a yin line are added to the third place and this then develops the eight trigrams.

The Wheel of the TaoPutting this image into the center of the hexagram wheel as shown to the right, the sequence of the hexagrams develops according to the alternation of yang and yin. The yang half of the wheel means all bottom lines are yang. In the first quarter that begins with hexagram 1 through hexagram 19, the second line is also a yang line. This is the full yang quarter that is shown at the top of the wheel image and the white field. Hexagrams from 13 through 24 have yin in the second line. This quarter of the wheel is lesser yin, the black dot in the white field.
The yin half of the wheel means all these hexagrams have yin in the first line. The first quarter of the yin half is full yin, the black field on the bottom of the wheel where the second line is also yin. The next 16 hexagrams, beginning with hexagram 7, the second lines are yang. This line pair and quarter are the white dot in the black field, lesser yang.
As the Sun moves into hexagram 7 on August 5th, we will be entering the lesser yang quarter. When adding a third line to the lesser yang line pair, in the yin half, first is adding yin in the third place that yields trigram Water. Water, with just one yang line is a yang trigram. Adding a yang line to the third place creates the trigram Wind. With only one yin line, Wind is a yin trigram. It is the changing energy that determines whether a trigram is yin or yang.

Identifying these forces within the trigrams gives you the foundation for understanding the hexagrams.

Illustrations from The Course in Human Design v.2.


Eclipses, the Nodes, and Political Polarities

August 1st is a Leo Solar eclipse with this upcoming new Moon. Both Sun and Moon are in Leo hexagram 33, Retreat. The Solar eclipse means the moon is coming between the sun and earth, shadowing the sun. It suggests a break with the old pattern, kind of like a short power outage that makes you have to reboot your computer or adjust your clocks. It’s an interruption of the sun’s energy that gives good opportunity to let go of the old pattern whose time is up. There will be a lunar eclipse following at the Full Moon August 16 in gate 49.6 conjuncting Neptune in Aquarius.

The nodes moved into 13 and 7 by noon Mountain time on July 13 and will remain in this pair through November 12, meaning this collective orientation during the crucial US election season is colored by these two opposites, North Node in 13, Uniting with People, or Fellowship of Man and South Node in 7, Military Leadership, or the Army.

The transit shift of the nodes describes shared seasonal patterning. It’s shared experiencing. These two Ji center gates are particularly infused with the directional orientation or maybe instructions being given as to who we are as a collective. Ji is about our identity and about our connection to the Whole.

With Nodes, we’re looking at the collective trajectory we’re all traveling, or being carried by, perhaps.

It’s sometimes easier to learn the energies of activations by looking back through time to see what happened in your life or in the collective when this same pattern was being activated.

Nodes have a full cycle of 18.6 years and a half cycle of 9.3 years. The last time the nodes activated this pair of gates was December 2, 1989 where they remained through April 15, 1990.

The midpoints of the cycle are quite significant to see the complete cycle. The North Node moved into hexagram 7, and South Node into hexagram 13 on April 28, 1999 where they remained only a short few months finally exiting July 7, 1999.

About 18.5 years earlier, October 7, 1980 through December 2, the nodal axis was activating 7 for the North Node and 13 for the South Node. At that time, Ronald Reagan won the presidential election. There was a strong alignment with “Military Leadership.” This time, the nodal polarity is reversed from the 1980 election and maybe this predicts an opposite result, with the 13, uniting candidate prevailing over 7, the military candidate.

This particular pair and the synchronicity of the election candidates, is absolutely illuminating to consider that these two equal and opposite hexagrams belong to each other. This is the Tao.


Al Gore: the must-see speech of the year

Al Gore has called upon all thinking, sentient humans to recognize that our time for drilling must come to an end. The solution is not repeating what we’ve been doing, spending billions of dollars and countless lives on outdated technology, but to absolutely agree that the time has come for a different solution. This speech is 27 minutes long, worth every minute. Take the time to watch it.

Al’s chart shows a person quite capable of inspired insight. The 43-23 has its brilliance and can only really contribute when listened to. With a powerful will and an identity devoted to serving humanity, this speech is like a maturation of who he is.

Note the Pluto position in his chart is 33.6, now in channel definition with the North Node, 13. It’s a destiny moment of transformation. 33, gate of Retreat, line 6 Ni writes “Comfortable escape. There is enough time and space in which to escape.”

That loss of the presidential race led him to taking his environmental activism to a much higher level. With the speech from July 17, he says, “We can solve it (there’s enough time and space in which to escape global catastrophic breakdown.)” He takes on a destined role of Uniting… People, espousing a complete transformation of our energy, the grid, transportation, powering the nation and world. This is an uplifting and inspiring speech.

Oil would be considered a Pluto quality. It’s underground, represents power, what’s diabolical, volcanic, disruptive. In transforming our energy system to something that is given freely, it’s a message for the time we’re in to transform (a Pluto keyword) our power grid. Pluto now transits gate 10, Treading, and is a good word for lightening our carbon footprint.

With these nodes and the eclipses, this is time for a new vision, a new paradigm.

Having a consensus in vision, the vision is the first step towards its manifestation. Listen to Al Gore’s call and join in now for re-envisioning our world. All of us who can see this opportunity are part of the global reawakening to our world we all share… a 100th monkey project. If enough of us monkeys can learn to wash the potatoes before eating, then all the monkeys will suddenly appreciate this improvement. If enough of us can figure out how to lower our carbon footprint, tread lighter, then maybe it’s true that we can solve it.


To Naturally Be Without Interference

For anyone who is not yet really comfortable using the I Ching, this lesson with Annata based on her workbook will jumpstart your comprehension of trigram characteristics. With a special emphasis on the four hexagrams of your Sun Earth matrix, you will penetrate into the forces within. This is an excellent introduction to the trigrams as elemental energies within you.

75 minutes phone session, recorded. $120.
Click here and scroll down.
requires the book and your chart

Annata: To Naturally Be

Annata Black: To Naturally Be Without Interference
Book, 54 pages, letter size, spiral bound
+ audio CD, 54 minutes

To order and for more details click here
Or call 575 758-2909


The Centers Now Also Downloadable

This CD is an excellent introduction that provides the framework of the synthesis elements for you to integrate your own knowledge or to begin your own investigation into the elements that comprise the Human Design synthesis. It explains how to identify the centers, either how they can be felt or identified by their influence on behavior. Now also available as an mp3 file, zipped together with the illustrations.

Zeno: The Centers

Zeno: The Centers
1 hour 8 minutes

$12 as a download
$15 as a CD

Or call 575 758-2909


Join HDPHDP - Independent Application of the Human Design System

Why do I think you should join HDP? For a small amount of money that supports the work of an independent form of Human Design, becoming a student member is the most economical way to learn from me. With regular forecasts that teach transit lessons to the digests offering a wide range of pertinent subjects to study charts, these lessons remind you how to synthesize more understanding of hexagrams as two trigrams, integrating the astrological interface, chakras as nerve clusters within the body, or Tree of Life spheres as the divine and material intersect.

When you would like to study for certification, the journey you will go on takes you into whole new territory of inner exploration through many specializations and reading styles. Because each of us is unique, the training offered through HDP is customized for you and is the simplest way to keep building your knowledge base to realize your maximum potential.

The support for this work is growing.  Be one of the people who can imbibe the four elements directly. Infuse your understanding with the spiritual path each element brings. Make the connection with life; how you feel and experience your chart. This is the path toward becoming a certified HD practitioner. It starts with Knowing Thyself first.

Join HDP.


Basic Reading Now Available As An mp3

Beginning your exploration of the chart, it’s great to listen to the Beginner’s Guide to the Human Design chart. Once you’ve gotten a start, a basic reading of the foundation of the mechanics is a succinct report of what the chart displays, including Definition Type, doing and waiting, centers defined and undefined and the likely conditioning challenges a person faces. From this foundation, you can then explore any of the many study or session options.

The Basic reading is now available both on CD or as an mp3 file you can download after your reading.


Check out all the kinds of readings, consultations and lessons with me by clicking here.

zc design
PO Box 2366
Ranchos de Taos NM 87557 USA
575 758-2909
Since 1993, zc design is instrumental in introducing, establishing and developing the Human Design System in America and abroad.
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