Website Launch Specials - Announcing New Classes!
Celebrating the new website SALE:
10% OFF everything! through Black Friday, November 26.
Hurry! Just a few days.
The Course In Human Design 2.1
Half price through November.
Now only $499.
Through November 26 another 10% off!
Order here.
Now with the newly revised course manual included! Here is a link to check out the preface to the new manual.
This comprehensive course takes you from the first steps building a solid foundation of your own to enter into direct perception of charts. It is an opportunity to look at and understand your own chart and the charts of loved ones. When we understand even just a little bit about ourselves in relation to our Human Design chart we begin to gain a new consciousness in old situations.
It is the most effective training on the market, so if you've longed to really be able to comprehend the Human Design System, this is the class for you.
See what you get with this most comprehensive and comprehensible Human Design training that you can really use! This trial screencast lets you view directly how the class is presented: sample lesson.
And if you buy through November 26th you receive 10% off!!!
This means you can get the entire Course in Human Design for only $449 including the manual. This deal won't come back!
You can even buy 2 and give the gift of Human Design to a friend!
Order here.
The full course comes with a two week Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
The Course is the complete training, though many of the segments can stand alone. Now available! Aren't ready to take the whole course? Take a bit at a time and get coupon credit whenever you decide to upgrade to the whole course.
All the following classes designated New! (except the Professional Certification Program) are included in the Course as is the manual. If you buy any segment or the manual, you will qualify for an appropriate discount.
Revised Course Manual 2.1
This revised edition of the flagship Course v.2 manual is now being reprinted and
available for purchase. If you want to get a flavor of it, I wrote a new preface that you can find here. The difference in this edition is that all references to the labels - manifestor, generator, projector and reflector are gone.
The Definitive Reference and Course Manual for the Course in Human Design 2.1.
Just $99. Take an additional 10% off through Black Friday, November 26th!
Order here.
NEW! Definition Types and Modes
To Do and To Wait:
One of the very first realizations when meeting Human Design is the distinction between having a design to do or a design to wait. The next significant piece is the Definition Type. No definition, single or a split definition, triple or quad split tells you how you're wired. When you meet this, you may also want to know about significant others.
This very fundamental information is explained in this first class, Definition Types and Modes. This class helps one to realize if the other person might be feeling defensive in a certain area. Just walking into a situation with the awareness that the other people also have charts, with their unique designs that affect how you feel with them and they with you, starts a change.
Order here.
NEW! Lessons 1 & 2 of the Course in Human Design 2.1
Conditioning: Once you've gotten definition types and doing and waiting (Lesson 1), the next core piece is learning about centers being defined and undefined. This is the essence of Human Design. From this study, you will be able to understand function and dysfunction in all your relationships with everyone you know forever.
The main thing is how you are conditioned or condition others. But what is conditioning really? To understand this central concept it is helpful to think about the conditioning that begins in infancy with the very first relationships of our lives.
We have all been conditioned our entire lives. We have also been conditioning others just as long. So it is enormously helpful to understand the difference between loving conditioning and conditioning that makes us feel bad. This is not rocket science. If something makes you feel tense or worried or stressed out, that conditioning is not helping you expand into a loving state. How to identify this in your life and chart is the foundational information in Lessons 1 & 2 of the Course in Human Design 2.1.
Only $179, including the manual (Great deal! With this package the manual is ½ off!)
$129, without manual
Eligible for discount on the full Course in Human Design 2.1.
Order here.
NEW! An Astrology Primer for Human Design students
This distilled essence of what is pertinent to Human Design students is designed to present just what you need to really grasp the significance of astrology as a core element of the Human Design synthesis. This wonderful class shows you how to integrate basic astrology into your Human Design knowledge. This essential astrology primer just for Human Design will greatly enhance your appreciation of the wheel and how the index works. This is an advanced lesson in Human Design that incorporates elementary astrology.
includes a 12 page fully illustrated e-book with essential references.
$79 for a limited time only.
Order here.
NEW! Professional Certification Program
This training is a year-long intensive immersion into using Human Design in a way that helps people wake up in consciousness. It begins with you, your chart and those of the people in your world. My aim is to help you prove that you can change the dynamic in any relationship so that you have authentic, verified results from which you can speak with your own truth. Zen Human Design is a significant contribution to our planetary consciousness. I look forward to interacting with this fantastic application and tool for helping people make the world a better place.
Click here.