Human Design transmission by Zen Human Design

Human Design Transmission
Volume 18, number 2
January 10, 2011

Human Design transmission

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- All Planets in Direct Motion
- Now Available as mp3s: The Planetary Archetypes by Richard Tarnas
- Last $49 Course Manual!
- January Special! Half off the Professional Certification and Course
- Bonus Offer! Free Reading

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The 2nd issue of the 18th year doing Human Design newsletters!

All Planets in Direct Motion

Following the eclipse on January 4th, these days of the growing moon get visibly longer and it's time to start new things, reinvent yourself as you move in this ever-accelerating journey. All planets are in direct motion right now, a time of flow and allowing what will be to be your mantra.

New Moon

The Nodes now activate Ji gates 10 and 15 providing an identity infusion of love and modesty. Neptune finishes its Aquarius journey in Solar Plexus gate 30 on its way into Pisces in April. Uranus moves out of gate 36 into last Pisces/first Aries Ji gate 25 February 7th. In recording the How to Use the Ephemeris lesson, I am mindful that the lessons we're getting this year can be initiating us into a higher state or challenging us to find our way through ego battles. It all depends on how strongly we're centered in chi.

If you consider yourself a student of Human Design, using the ephemeris to watch the unfolding play is an important lesson. In April, Jupiter in Heart center gate 51 will form a definition with Uranus in Ji center gate 25. This is potentially a rebellion or revolutionary energy that gets magnified by Jupiter! These are a few of the highlights from the ephemeris. I have been giving it away on my Facebook fan page to anyone who "likes" the Zen Human Design page because I want this to be available to you (you pay shipping) . So please take advantage!

The How to Use the Ephemeris is a solid 40 minute screencast presenting you with an excellent lesson for only $9.

Now Available as mp3s: The Planetary Archetypes by Richard Tarnas

One of the key elements of the Human Design synthesis is astrology and understanding the planetary forces is very important. Cultural historian, scholar and award-winning astrologer Richard Tarnas gave a one-day talk in Taos in 2008 to a small Human Design audience, distilling a 10 day workshop he co-presented with Stanislav Grof.  This exciting lecture is now available as a set of 4 downloadable mp3s. Four and a half hours of recording time will engage your imagination, inspire and remain a treasure to re-listen many times to hear more nuances and subtleties. $36

Last $49 Course Manual!

There is exactly one slightly dinged Course 2.1 manual left for $49. The new shipment of 1st quality books should arrive by the end of the month. A great deal for a truly fabulous book.

January Special! Half off the Professional Certification and Course

The Professional Certification Program can now either be purchased with the course or without, both at the great price of half off through January 31, either as a one-time payment or as a payment plan option. The order process is now streamlined so you can buy both at once!

Bonus! If you pay the full tuition at once for the Certification Program by January 19th, you'll receive a free 90 minute reading with me. A value of $300.
The readings I give are absolutely unique, giving you a direct application of the Course and Certification program.

Offering this program is a thrill and a blessing that I finally found a way to provide a path of awareness and an empowering authentic Human Design based solely on the revelation.

Questions? Give a call (575 758-2909) or send me an email!
© 2011 Zeno

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Zen Human Design
PO Box 2366
Ranchos de Taos NM 87557 USA
575 758-2909
Since 1993, Zen Human Design (formerly zc design) is instrumental in introducing, establishing and developing the Human Design System in America and abroad.
Occasionally we send an e-mail newsletter to our list. Once in a while there's even a printed issue. We do share our list with HDP, The Association of Human Design Practitioners, but no one else.
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